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Which Cut of Zoysia is Right for Me?


Here at Zoysia Farms, we sell the Amazoy Meyer Zoysia grass. Throughout the years, we have taken our customers’ advice and decided to cut our grass in ways that would work best for them. We have three different cuts of our Zoysia: the freestyle plugs, the super plugs, and sod. Even though they are all the exact same type of Zoysia grass, they do have many differences when planting.

Freestyle Sheets

To start off, the freestyle plugs come in a 10×15” sheet that you must cut yourself into plugs. Customers decided that they would rather cut the plugs to their own preferred size and shape. Some believed that 1” plugs were too small to plant, but others love the economy of the 1” plugs. This sheet is not sod, so it cannot be laid down on top of your existing lawn; it will not grow that way. The sheet must be planted. Because Zoysia spreads by the edges, the Zoysia would fill in much faster if cut into smaller plugs. For example: when planting the whole sheet (the roots of the sheet must be covered), the Zoysia can only spread from 4 edges totaling 50 linear inches of spreading; whereas if you cut the sheet into 1” plugs, you will have 600 linear inches for the Zoysia to spread from. The freestyle plugs are more work because you must cut them yourself, but they are the most economical and best value of grass that we sell.

Pre-Cut 3×3″ Super Plugs

Next up is our pre-cut super plugs. These plugs are cut into 3×3” pieces already for you to plant. Because they are bigger, you can actually plant these plugs up to 24” apart rather than 12” like we normally recommend. These plugs are more expensive, but they take a lot of the hard work away from planting. When purchasing the super plugs, there are 15 plugs in each tray. Those plugs can cover up to 60 square feet if planted 24” apart. Both the freestyle plugs and the super plugs can be planted within your existing lawn, causing little to no preparation. Normally they both take about 2-3 years to overtake an entire lawn. The growth of Zoysia depends on your soil, the length of your growing season, and how close together you plant the plugs. Having sandy soil, a long-growing season, and planting plugs 3” apart will produce a lawn the fastest.

Lastly, our final cut of Zoysia is our Zoysia sod. The sod is harvested into 10×15” pieces just like the freestyle plugs mentioned before. However, you must clear out your existing lawn before laying the sod down. This is the most expensive cut of our Zoysia and also requires the most preparation beforehand. However, sod allows you to have immediate coverage. Also, we only ship sod to a 200-mile radius of our location in Taneytown, Maryland. Therefore, it is not available throughout the United States. Plugs however are shipped throughout the U.S. except WA, OR, HI, and AK. Overall, all of our cuts of Zoysia that we harvest are Amazoy Meyer Zoysia. Be sure to look at all of your options before making your final decision.

Planting Tools for Zoysia


Planting Zoysia is a very simple but sometimes time-consuming process depending on the tools that you have.  The holes for our Zoysia plugs only need to be about 1 ½” deep. Watering before digging the holes will soften the ground and make the process a little easier. Gardeners may decide to purchase new tools that are specifically made for their project, or they may decide that their current tools are just as helpful. Over the years, we have heard many different stories about which tools have been most successful for our customers, and we would like to share them with the world.

4″ Power Auger

To start off, you must determine what you are planting before figuring out which tools to use. We sell many different planting tools that are specifically made for planting our Amazoy Meyer Zoysia grass in its different forms.

30″ Stand-Up Auger

For our pre-cut Super Plugs, the best tools to use would be our augers that attach to a 3/8” drill. We either have the 30” stand-up auger or the 4” power auger. The stand-up auger allows the user to remain standing. The 4” auger does require you to bend over while using it, but you do get to maintain better control of it. Both augers have a piece on the bottom that is about 2” in diameter. To make the hole big enough for our 3×3” Super Plugs, you just have to move the augers around in the ground until the hole is the appropriate size. Both augers provide a faster and easier way to plant the plugs.

30″ Step-On Plugger

For our Freestyle Plugs, you cut the 10×15” sheets yourself. You can cut the plugs as small as 1” or as big as you like. We do sell a 30” step-on plugger to make the holes for 1” plugs. This tool is designed for the smallest and most economical plugs. Our garden shears that we sell are also useful in cutting the sheets. You can even cut the freestyle sheets into strips and plant them that way. To do this, you would want to use a flat-edge spade and dig a trench big enough for the strips to fit into.

Floral Shears

If you are not looking to purchase new tools, we have come across other household items you may use in place of our tools. To cut the freestyle sheets, customers have been known to use a sharp knife. Others have used a paper-cutter, a saw blade, and even a sharpened pizza cutter. When making the holes for the plugs, customers have used a simple garden spade or even a bulb planter. In conclusion, gardeners may use any tools that they wish to get their Zoysia planted. Some tools may be more efficient than others but all should be helpful.

Acidity & How to Cope


The acidity of soil can sometimes hinder the growth of plants.  Phosphorus, calcium, and magnesium can become much less available to plants when soil is acidic. Also, the levels of other harmful elements such as aluminum can increase, causing toxicity.

Acidification is a natural process but can also be sped up by many factors. Nitrogen in fertilizer and the breakdown of organic matter can speed up the process causing an issue for Zoysia grass. Applying lime will help to maintain the soil to the appropriate levels for plant growth, providing a solution. Before applying, you will want to test the pH of the soil. You should not apply lime without doing so because too much lime can be just as harmful as too little.

Soil pH is a measurement of the acidity in soil. In general, most plants thrive when the pH levels are between 5.8 and 6.5 pH. Zoysia thrives when the pH levels are between 6.0 and 7.0 pH. When the levels are below 6.0 pH, plant growth is limited by aluminum toxicity. When they are above 7.0 pH, manganese and zinc become less available.  Liming helps to lower the acidity of the soil causing better growth for plants. One application can last for two to three years, and it should be applied two to four weeks before planting new grass or plants. If you find that your soil is too alkaline, you can apply sulfur to raise the acidity.

Liming supplies calcium and magnesium to the soil. It can come in different forms. The most time-efficient and easiest form for gardeners is liquid lime. Our organic Café Lime here at Zoysia Farms comes in liquid form that is sprayed on with an attached hose-end sprayer. It improves major nutrient uptake and can boost the pH by as much as one point in as little as 10 days. Powdered lime and pelletized lime are other options but tend to be more expensive and more difficult to apply. All are effective in reducing soil acidity however. Overall, lime is very effective in treating the acidity in soils. It can also produce many benefits such as a healthier, disease-resistant lawn. Be sure to apply lime when necessary, so you can achieve the greenest lawn in your neighborhood.

Fertilizing Your Zoysia Lawn with Nutri-20:


Although Zoysia can prosper in most soils, it can still be helpful to apply fertilizer to your lawn. Fertilizing your Zoysia lawn can help speed up growth and improve the color, as well as giving the grass nutrients. However, it is only safe to apply a water-soluble fertilizer to our Amazoy Meyer Zoysia. Granular fertilizers are known to burn the runners of the Zoysia causing it to die out in some areas. Your lawn will be the healthiest if you fertilize it once a year in late May or early June.

Here at Zoysia Farms, we sell a fertilizer specifically made for our Amazoy Zoysia; this product is called Nutri-20. It is even safe to use on other plants, vegetables, etc. The easiest way to apply it is by using a hose-end sprayer. We do sell the Chameleon hose-end sprayer that will cover 350 square feet of lawn with fertilizer. Just put one cup of Nutri-20 in the sprayer, fill it to the top with water, shake it up, and set the dial to 1.5 oz-2 oz. before spraying. When the sprayer is empty, this means your job is complete. One bag of Nutri-20 will actually cover a total of 4,000 square feet if used properly. When fertilizing other garden plants, Nutri-20 should still be dissolved in water. You should only use one teaspoon of Nutri-20 per gallon of water.

Chameleon Hose-End Sprayer

Fertilizing your lawn with Nutri-20 comes with so many benefits. You will have a healthier lawn in less than 60 minutes after applying. All plant foods must be dissolved in water before plants are able to accept them, and because Nutri-20 is applied with water, this helps to speed up the nutrient intake. Nutri-20 can even save your plants from “root-rot” and help them recover from diseases as well.

Overall, fertilizing your Zoysia lawn can result in a greener and healthier lawn. Our Nutri-20 fertilizer allows customers to save their declining plants and also to boost their already successful lawns. Just remember to always use water-soluble fertilizers on Zoysia grass, and you will have the healthiest and greenest lawn in your neighborhood.

Common Reasons that Zoysia Fails


Amazoy Meyer Zoysia is a very low-maintenance grass and there is little preparation needed before planting. Once it gets started, it will continue to spread causing you to have the greenest lawn possible. While 98% of our customers are successful, there are failures, most of which are preventable. Because we stand behind our product, we will replace plugs that fail to grow after 45 days of being planted. Before receiving replacements, customers must take a brief survey which helps us determine why the plugs failed to grow. Overtime, we have gathered the information from those surveys to present some common mistakes that cause our Zoysia grass to fail.

Overwatering-The most frequent mistake made is overwatering the Amazoy Zoysia. Our Zoysia is a very drought-resistant grass and thrives in hot and dry conditions. This grass must only be watered every day for the first three weeks (just a light mist). After that initial three weeks, you must stop watering. Continuing to water actually causes the root system of our grass to rot. Normally, watering is not necessary ever again unless the ground is cracking and crumbling from severe drought.

Keeping in Box-This is a living plant, so this grass must be taken out of the box within two to three days after receiving it. It might arrive brown and dry due to the shipping process, but it has just gone back into dormancy. If you follow the planting instructions, you will see growth within the first 45 days. Sometimes you may have a busy schedule and you are unable to plant right away which is fine. Just be sure to take the grass out of the box, keep it in a shaded area, and keep it moist. This will give you about 2-3 weeks to get all of the grass planted. It cannot remain in the box for that period of time.

Not Enough Sunlight & Incorrect pH-Amazoy Meyer Zoysia thrives on the heat and does require a minimum of 2-3 hours of direct sunlight a day. If the plugs do not receive that much sunlight, they should not be planted in that area. You can also check the pH of your soil before planting, especially near trees. Sometimes different trees can affect the pH of your soil, and the pH is best between 6.0 and 7.0 pH for our plugs to grow. Acidic soil and shade are a poor combination for Zoysia. Also, remember to only cover the roots of the plugs when planting.

Using Granular Fertilizers-Lastly, you should never use granular fertilizers on our grass. We have found that the granular fertilizers can burn the runners of our Zoysia causing it to die off. You should only use water-soluble fertilizers such as our Nutri-20 fertilizer or even Miracle Grow.

Because we stand by our product, we are confident that our grass will grow if you follow these instructions. Some may be used to planting other types of Zoysia, grasses, and plants, and they may not be used to the low-maintenance needed for Amazoy Zoysia. The key is to let Zoysia thrive itself and to kick back and relax!

Need Help with Pests in Your Lawn?


As temperatures become warmer, Zoysia is beginning to green back up for a new year of growth. Unfortunately, those pesky insects and other pests are starting to appear as well. Zoysia is very resistant to the effects of most insects and diseases. It also resists injury from most chemicals when pest control is needed. Whether you have Zoysia or any other grass, do not worry because we have the solution to these pest issues!

At one time, society could only trap and relocate the mammals invading their lawn. Pesky animals like moles, voles, and armadillos would be able to dig holes and even burrow in their lawn before they were able to do anything. Now, we have products you can use just by attaching them to your hose! Here, we sell a Mole & Vole Repellent as well as Armadillo Repellent. One bottle covers up to 3,000 square feet and protects for up to 3 months.  We also sell deer repellent and rabbit repellent if you have issues with those animals in your lawn as well.

Sometimes, insects can be invading your lawn during this time of year too. Normally, this will not be an issue for Zoysia grass, but insects can do much damage to many other grasses. Our Essential-1 Organic Pesticide will protect against ants, chinch bugs, mole crickets, Japanese beetles, bees, mites, and many more. It even leaves behind a nice smell of cedar too.

Overall, do not worry if you have pests in your lawn; everyone does! Planting Zoysia will help to reduce damage and even eliminate your time spent trying to destroy these nuisances. Feel free to check out our website for more information on our products to help as well. Each product is safe for your children, pets, and environment but will still do the job. Just attach the bottle to your hose, and you will have the problem solved in no time.

Solution for Spreading Zoysia:


Amazoy Zoysia is great for filling in slopes and bare spots in your lawn. It is known to grow in all types of soils and in a wide range of climates. Once established, the deep root system and the thickness of the turf causes it to heal itself when faced with common lawn issues. Because Zoysia spreads once it gets started, it is known to start creeping into flower beds and sometimes your neighbor’s lawn if you do not take the right precautions. Do not worry because there is a solution!

The safest solution is to put a plastic or metal border at least six inches deep into the ground to prevent the Zoysia from spreading. Here at Zoysia Farms, we sell the Easy-Edge Lawn Edging as well as a Step-On Edger to help you put it down. The edging stops the Zoysia from spreading into flower beds, neighbors’ lawns, and even driveways. It is very simple to install too as you can see from this video on our website, http://www1.zoysiafarms.com/prodspec.jsp?id=7F6E&cat=3. This product withstands -30 degree temperatures and will last for many years to come.

If you did not take the right precautions in time and Zoysia has already crept into an unwanted area, there are a few ways you can get rid of it. The first way would be to spray Round-Up on the Zoysia when it is green. Keep in mind that the Round-Up will kill anything that you have sprayed. Do not soak the grass; just give it a light mist with the product. If the Zoysia that you are trying to destroy is too established, the only other option would be to try to dig up the Zoysia. This can be a very time-consuming project, so that is why it is very important to take the correct precautions before it gets too late.

In conclusion, Zoysia is a very hardy grass. It can be the solution to fix many common lawn issues with its spreading ability. Even though this is great for Zoysia lovers, sometimes it can be difficult to get rid of if it spreads into unwanted areas. It is best to take precautions when you start planting to prevent the Zoysia from invading undesirable spaces. It is always best to plan ahead!

Aerating Your Zoysia Lawn:


Aeration involves perforating the soil with small holes to allow air, water and nutrients to penetrate the grass roots. Many people do this to alleviate compacted soil in their lawns. Although it isn’t necessary, it can be very beneficial to your grass. Below we have listed some reasons to help you figure out if your lawn is a good candidate for aeration.

Soil is Heavily Compacted- If you get very heavy traffic on your lawn, it should be aerated during the growing season. If you have children or pets running over your yard, this can cause soil to be heavily compacted.

Newly Constructed Home– If you just moved into a newly constructed home, usually the construction equipment has caused the soil to become heavily compacted. Normally the topsoil from a newly constructed lawn is stripped or buried, and the subsoil is destroyed by the construction taking place.

Dries Out Easily– If your lawn dries out easily and feels spongy, you should aerate. Sometimes this means that you could have a heavy thatch build-up. You can always test this by digging out a piece of your lawn about four inches deep. If the thatch build-up is greater than ½”, you should aerate.

For Zoysia, the best time to aerate is in the late spring. This way, the grass will be able to heal and take over the parts that you removed from the lawn.  You should also make sure that the ground is soft and moist before aerating. It is normally efficient to aerate the day after a nice rain. You can either use a spike aerator which pokes little holes in the ground with a fork-like tool or a plug aerator which removes larger pieces from the ground for better results. Plug aerators are usually more successful for a lawn. Remember to continue the normal care for your lawn after you have aerated.  Aerating is not necessary, but it can be very helpful in the long run.

Can Zoysia Overtake My Lawn?


Bahia Grass

Because Zoysia is a spreading grass, it is known to overtake other grasses and weeds in all types of soil conditions. Overtime, we have researched exactly which types our customers are working with to determine if Zoysia is able to overtake their lawns. Below, we have created a list of the common grasses that Zoysia will take over. There are many more grasses that Zoysia can beat out, but here are just a few.

  • Bahia- This grass has a coarse blade and requires frequent mowing during hot weather. This grass does not do well on sandy embankments, whereas Zoysia thrives. Also, grassy weeds in Bahia grass can be difficult to get rid of.

    Bermuda Grass

  • Bermuda- This grass has a medium texture and turns brown with the first drop in temperature. Zoysia does not go dormant until after the first hard frost of the year. Also, once Bermuda grass is established, it is very hard to get rid of and actually grows flat. It also does not grow well in shady areas and needs to be watered weekly.

    Centipede Grass

  • Centipede- Due to severe iron deficiencies in the soil, this grass cannot grow in the western US; it thrives in moderately acidic soils. Hard freezes can kill the leaves of this grass, so it does not do well in areas that have intense winters. Also, this grass is very slow-growing and is not very salt tolerant. Zoysia is much better in these situations.

    St. Augustine Grass

  • St. Augustine- This grass does not tolerate a lot of traffic. It is a big thatch producer and requires much moisture. Because it is so aggressive, it must be mowed frequently to keep it under control. It cannot thrive in areas where temperatures dip below ten degrees for several hours. Zoysia is preferable because it requires so little water, less mowing, and is more cold tolerant.

    Kentucky Bluegrass

  • Kentucky Bluegrass– This grass will go dormant in hot, dry weather as well as during the cold winter months. It does very poorly in shaded areas and requires frequent watering to survive. Zoysia really thrives in hot and dry conditions and will remain green during summer heat.

    Rye grass

  • Rye– Annual varieties of this grass can’t be used as a permanent grass so it is generally used only for over-seeding your current lawn. It prefers cool environments where conditions are not too extreme. It requires very frequent watering as well.


Amazoy Meyer Zoysia can outdo almost every type of grass in most any situation. The grasses above are only a few of the common grasses that Zoysia can overtake. You can always take a sample of your lawn to a local nursery to determine what type of grass you have if you are unsure. Zoysia is a warm season grass and does go dormant during the winter months in northern states. Keep in mind that Zoysia is very slow-growing, so it can take about 2-3 years to completely take over these other grasses. The benefits though last for a lifetime.

The Story of Amazoy Meyer Zoysia


Zoysia grass was named after an 18th century Austrian botanist, Karl von Zois. The grass originated in Asia and is native to China and Japan as well as many other Southeast Asian countries. In 1911, Zoysia was brought into the U.S from Manila by a botanist named C.V. Piper. The U.S.D.A. did not release Zoysia for commercial development until 1951.

By 1953, Herbert Friedberg bought a farm in Maryland and worked diligently to perfect the growing of Meyer Z-52. He believed that this grass would be the answer for America’s lawns, and he strived to make Zoysia available to homeowners rather than for commercial uses such as golf courses. Instead of focusing on his family’s bowling center business, he decided to dedicate his time to Zoysia and worked hard to prepare and ship the grass.

Overtime, Friedberg’s advertising reached talk-radio pioneer Arthur Godfrey. Godfrey had come across one of the advertisements and talked about it on his nationally-syndicated radio show. From then on, Amazoy Meyer was on its way to homes around the country.

Friedberg’s success came from a combination of developing harvesting systems, processing the grass for shipment, and also educating homeowners on how easy it can be to have a golf course quality lawn. Today, Zoysia Farm Nurseries is an employee-owned company. The employees purchased the company from the Friedberg family in 1998. Therefore, each member is equally responsible for the customers to receive the freshest product and the best service possible.

Zoysia is Earth Friendly


Are you looking to have a beautiful lawn and want to help the environment? Amazoy Zoysia is the right choice for you! Zoysia is very earth friendly and can have a positive impact on the environment. It is also very low-maintenance, so once it’s established, there is less work to keep your lawn beautiful!

  • Because Zoysia is very low-maintenance, it can reduce fossil fuel use, water use and fertilizer applications. It also assists in filtering carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas from the atmosphere, helping to clean the air we breathe.


  • Unlike most grasses, Zoysia grows well on slopes by reducing erosion from excessive water and high winds. It grows very densely and helps limit the movement of pesticides and nutrients to non-targeted sites such as rivers and streams.

  • Zoysia withstands temperatures up to 120 degrees, which reduces the need for water.


  • By absorbing the heat of the summer, Zoysia also reduces the air temperatures around your house, resulting in lower cooling costs as well.


  • Lastly, Zoysia requires less mowing than other grasses, which reduces your carbon footprint.


Easy to maintain Zoysia requires very little care and still manages to be safe for the environment. Once established, you can enjoy a beautiful Zoysia lawn while remaining earth-friendly.



Starting today, we are offering free shipping on all grass orders for the next 5 days! Offer is valid until January 30th. The free shipping offer is valid for both our freestyle plugs and our 3×3″ pre-cut super plugs.  This allows you to place your order before spring comes to ensure that your order will be one of the first to go out and get a savings while doing so. We will not ship out the grass orders until it is OK to plant, so do not worry. Use the code M211 when placing your order on-line to get this deal. Feel free to also call in your order at 410-756-2311 Monday-Friday 8am-4:30pm EST. Share this offer with a friend! This offer is only done once a year, so order now before it is too late!

When is the Best Time to Plant Zoysia for My Area?


Here at Zoysia Farms we are frequently questioned about when is the best time to plant for specific areas. Zoysia is best planted in the spring but can be planted through summer and into early fall as well. Every year is different but generally the planting falls into groups as shown below. We watch the weather every day and adjust accordingly for local conditions, so you don’t have to. We only ship orders once planting conditions are suitable.

·        AL

·        AR

·        FL

·        GA

·        LA

·        MS

·        NM

·        OK

·        SC

·        TX

·        DC

·        DE

·        MD

·        MO

·        NJ

·        NY

·        NC

·        TN

·        VA

·        CO

·        CT

·        IL

·        IN

·        IA

·        KY

·        MA

·        NE

·        OH

·        PA

·        RI

·        WV

·        ME

·        MI

·        MT

·        NH

·        ND

·        SD

·        VT

·        WY

·        WI

Some states require the grass to be inspected by the agricultural department before shipping. Each of the states listed below require that inspection, and we can only ship to those states one time in each of the months listed for that state. There are no exceptions. Lastly, we do not ship grass to AK, HI, WA, or OR.







·        AZ

·        CA

·        NV

·        ID

·        KS

·        UT

·        MN

Zoysia-Safe Weed Killers


Once established, Amazoy Zoysia can overtake many of the pesky weeds that try to invade your beautiful lawn. Zoysia grows very thick and dense, so crabgrass and most summer weed seeds are unable to germinate.

However, whenever you first plant Zoysia, it needs some time to spread to be able to crowd out the weeds. Here at Zoysia Farms, we have researched and recently introduced a few different types of weed killers that are Zoysia-safe and will help keep your lawn weed-free while it gets fully established.

  • Bonide Weed Beater Ultra– This new weed killer is mainly used for broadleaf weeds as well as over 200 of the most common weeds. It is ready to use in its pump and spray container, which eliminates any mixing. The container holds 1.33 gallons of the product, so that is enough to kill thousands of weeds. This is not for sale in Alaska or Hawaii. As stated above, it is also safe for Zoysia, so it will only harm the weeds not your lawn.


  • Season-Long Weed Control– We have recently introduced this weed control, which kills and prevents over 200 lawn weeds. It conveniently attaches to your hose for an easy application. It is designed to kill the weeds you can see and the seeds you can’t see. It may be used in spring, summer, or fall. This product protects your lawn for up to six months, and you can see results within 48 hours. One container will cover up to 7500 square feet, and it should be used whenever the grass is green (post-dormancy). This product is not for sale in New York.


  • Gluten-8 Organic Herbicide- This product is water-soluble and is derived from corn gluten meal. It prevents weed seeds from germinating, and it helps lawns better compete with other annual grasses and broadleaf weeds. Two quarts treat approximately 2000 square feet, and it conveniently attaches to your hose for an easy application.


Attacking the weeds before they start producing seeds is the key to eliminating these nuisances. Weed identification is always a challenge, but most weed killers are formulated to get rid of a broad range of weeds. If you are having trouble identifying the weeds in your lawn, feel free to check out these sites for additional information: The Virginia Tech Weed Identification Guide http://oak.ppws.vt.edu/~flessner/weedguide/, the University of California Weed Photo Gallery http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/weeds_all.html , and the University of Minnesota Extension Service “Is this plant a weed?” https://www.extension.umn.edu/garden/diagnose/weed/ .

Overall, our Amazoy Zoysia is able to stand up to most invading lawn weeds. It just needs some time to become established enough to fight those weeds. We have introduced these products to help protect your Zoysia lawn and allow it to be weed-free right from the start. Being Zoysia-safe eliminates the worry of using a product that may be harmful to your grass.

10 Secrets for Successfully Planting Economical Zoysia Plugs

  1. Mow your existing lawn and weeds to the lowest setting before planting plugs.
  2. Do not be alarmed if the plugs arrive brown and dry. This is perfectly normal for Zoysia because the plugs tend to revert into a dormant state during the shipping process.
  3. Do not leave the grass in the shipping container for more than 2-3 days after receipt.
  4. Make sure the planting area gets at least 2-3 hours of direct sunlight for the plugs to thrive.
  5. Dampen the grass sheets before cutting with a sharp tool of your choice.
  6. Put the roots of the plug within the hole you have created and make the plugs even with your existing lawn. Only cover the roots, not the entire plug.
  7. Step on each plug firmly to make sure the roots are in contact with the soil. You will not harm the plugs.
  8. Using a gentle spray, water the plugs every day for the first 3 weeks after planting. After that initial 3 weeks, you must stop watering completely. Too much water will kill the Zoysia. Continuing to water after 3 weeks is the #1 reason plugs fail.
  9. Only use water-soluble spray-on products on Zoysia, never dry granular.
  10. Do not use any weed control on the plugs for at least 45 days after planting.

Amazoy Zoysia Will Grow in Your Soil!


Amazoy Meyer Zoysia grows in a variety of soil conditions. Although it thrives in some better than others, it will do great in almost all soil types. Zoysia thrives whenever the pH of your soil is neutral (between 6 and 7), and it can prosper in all of these soil types:

• Clay Soil- Amazoy Zoysia has strong roots which are able to penetrate dense, clay soil and create air passages for good root development. The Zoysia we harvest here in Maryland is actually grown in red clay soil.
• Rock-Like Soil- Plugs will grow in rock-like soils and granite soils that seeds will not. Just be sure to mix a little top soil in the hole when planting the plugs.
• Salty Soil- Zoysia is very salt tolerant, so it is recommended for coastlines where salty, sandy soils are often found. It even does well near roads and driveways that are salted to melt winter ice and snow.
• Sandy Soil- Amazoy Zoysia plugs grow especially well in sandy soil because there is much airspace that allows Zoysia’s roots to penetrate, providing quicker root development. We also harvest some of our grass from our farm in Delaware, which comes with sandier soil. Zoysia’s drought tolerance makes it ideal for sandy soils as well.

Zoysia will grow well in a variety of soil conditions; however soil type is not the only consideration. If you are planting near trees or have recently had trees removed, you should certainly check the pH of your soil. Feel free to check out our pH meter to assist you with this, which can be found at http://www1.zoysiafarms.com/prodspec.jsp?id=40BE&cat=3. As long as you have the acceptable pH and you are sure that your area gets 2-3 hours of direct sunlight per day, the Zoysia should be successful in your lawn.

Organic Products to Use on Zoysia


Have you been looking for ways to improve your Zoysia lawn, but are unsure of what products are safe? Zoysia Farms is a great source as they only sell Zoysia-safe products. They have many easy to use, organic products that can benefit your beautiful, established Zoysia lawn with a little help from your hose.

  • Liquid Thatch Remover– Lawn thatch is the layer of (mainly) dead turfgrass tissue lying between the green vegetation of the grass above and the root system and soil below. Thatch prevents oxygen and water from reaching the root system. This product can solve your thatch problem in just 2-3 months. It turns the thatch in your lawn into a rich, organic fertilizer, which eliminates the need for power raking. The product itself however contains no fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. This is safe for use around pets and does not interfere with other lawn treatments. One container will treat 5,000 square feet and should be applied three times per year if you have a thatch issue. Just be sure that the ground temperature is at least 45 degrees before applying. This product is not available for use in Arkansas, Oklahoma, or Minnesota.

  • Turf Thrive– This product allows you to grow beautiful grass in dry areas or if you want to use less water. It strengthens the roots of your grass and stimulates growth. The increased root structure can then lessen evaporation, which results in less watering. It improves fertilizer effectiveness and is also pet-friendly. One container will cover 5,000 square feet and can be applied three times per year. For best results, you should apply the product in the evening followed by a light watering. Again, be sure that the ground temperature is at least 45 degrees. This product is not available for use in Arkansas, Oklahoma, or Minnesota either.

  • Café Lime Organic Liquid Lime- Lastly, a common soil issue is too much acidity. This product reduces the acidity in your soil and acts as a quick soil pH buffer. For Zoysia, the best pH range is between 6 and 7, so this product should be used if the pH is below 6. It provides essential ingredients for increased photosynthesis as well. One quart represents 125 pounds of bagged lime and will treat approximately 16,000 square feet.


Overall, there are more and more organic products that are Zoysia-safe and can help improve your lawn within a short period of time. Feel free to check out Zoysia Farms’ website for other organic products that are not listed in this blog, which can eliminate pests and fungi from your lawn as well.

The Secrets to Mowing Zoysia Grass


Amazoy Meyer Zoysia is a slow-growing grass. When planting at a foot apart, it can take up to 2-3 growing seasons for plugs to completely fill in. Bigger plugs or planting closer together will speed the fill-in process. Much depends on the length of your growing season. Also, the benefit to this slow growth rate is that you will not have to mow nearly as often as you would for other grasses. Zoysia actually only needs to be mowed one time for every three times many other grasses must be cut. However, we have some tips to help you achieve the healthiest Zoysia lawn whenever it comes to mowing.

To start off, Zoysia spreads in a lateral manner, putting its energy into growing thick and lush rather than just tall. This explains why you do not need to mow Zoysia as often as other grasses. However, the first step is to be sure that your mower blades are sharp. Dull blades tend to rip the grass ends, and they do not actually cut the grass. Whenever this occurs, your lawn may look a yellowish color. Ragged grass blades take up more water resulting in a possible increase in disease. The type of mower is less important. Sharp blades are the keys to success.

Whenever you are mowing, be sure that you do not remove more than 1/3 of the leaf blade. Zoysia does best whenever the grass is 1 ½” to 3” tall. It is possible to maintain your Zoysia lawn as low as ½”, but you just want to be sure that you are not scalping the lawn.

Whenever you are mowing, you do not have to worry about picking up the grass clippings either. Studies have shown that the grass clippings add more nitrogen to your soil causing a decrease in fertilizer use. Whenever the Zoysia goes dormant for the winter months, it is not necessary to mow or to perform any other maintenance. Low-maintenance is one of the top reasons why homeowners prefer a Zoysia lawn.

Issues with Zoysia Grass


Here at Zoysia Farms, we take pride in our Amazoy Zoysia that we grow. It can result in a beautiful low-maintenance lawn overtime and is beneficial to the environment. However, we also understand that Zoysia may not be the best choice for everyone’s lawn. Although some may see these as issues, we want you to know that some issues have solutions.

  • Spreading Grass- To start off, Zoysia is a spreading grass. This is beneficial for many because they want the Zoysia to overtake their existing lawn and weeds; however some want to be able to stop it from spreading into certain areas. Once established, it can continue to grow into your garden, flower bed, or even your neighbor’s lawn. There is an easy fix. Installing a plastic or metal border 4-6” deep into the ground will discourage the Zoysia from spreading. Even regular edging of flower beds will discourage the Zoysia.

  • Dormant in Winter- Like many trees and shrubs, Zoysia goes dormant (turns brown) after the first hard frost of the year. It starts to green back up whenever the ground temperature is consistently above 50 degrees. Zoysia goes dormant in order to protect itself from the harsh weather coming. Dormancy allows the grass to withstand temperatures as low as -30 degrees. If you really do not like the idea of brown grass during the winter, some of our customers have actually spray-stained their lawns green. As silly as it may sound to some, it is possible to keep your lawn green year-round that way. If you do not receive frost in your area, it is possible for Zoysia to stay green year-round too.

  • Slow-Growing- Zoysia is a slow-growing grass. For some, this is a good feature of Zoysia because you will not have to mow it nearly as much as you would other grasses. However, some are looking to have an instant lawn soon after planting. Our Amazoy Zoysia takes about 2-3 growing seasons to fill in if you are planting one plug per square foot. Also, the closer you plant the plugs and the bigger you make them, the faster you will see complete fill-in. Remember that you can always lay Zoysia sod, if you are looking for instant coverage.


Overall, there is no such thing as a perfect grass for all conditions and situations, but even some of Zoysia’s limitations can be overcome.

Amazoy-Endorsed Zoysia Seed


Zoysia seed is a good alternative way to start a Zoysia lawn. The main difference between plugs and seed is the need for a seed bed. Depending on the area and soil conditions, a good seed bed can be a labor-intensive undertaking. Zoysia seeds should only be planted when the temperatures are consistently above 70 degrees. The summer months are usually the best in northern areas, but late spring and early fall are possible further south.

With the seeds, you must clear out all of the existing lawn and weeds before creating a seed bed. You may use a non-selective herbicide to do so; Round-Up is usually commonly available. After all of the vegetation and dead debris has been cleared, you should rototill to a depth of 4-8 inches. You will want to rake the ground so that it is level before spreading the seeds.

Next, it is desirable to check the pH of your soil. Zoysia grows well whenever the pH is between 6 and 7. If you find that the pH is below 6, you should add lime to the soil. If it is above 7, you should add sulfur. Once the soil has been prepared, it is time to spread the seeds. Use a seed spreader to be sure the seeds are evenly distributed. You should not sprinkle the seeds around with your hands; it will not give you even distribution. Two pounds of our Zoysia seeds will cover 1,000-2,000 square feet.

Once the seeds have been laid, you should lightly rake and add some top soil to achieve good seed to soil contact. However, be sure that you do not bury the seeds by more than ¼ inch. The seeds need light to grow. If possible, roll the area smooth with a drum roller. Lastly, you should water immediately after planting. Continue watering daily or twice daily to keep the seeds and soil moist until you start to notice the green shoots. Whenever you start to notice the green shoots, you should water less often.

Overall, the Zoysia seeds require more care and maintenance opposed to the plugs. The seeds however will fill in faster than the plugs. Within a year’s time, you could achieve a full Zoysia lawn. If you are trying to achieve a full Zoysia lawn without a long wait period, this option would be the best for you.

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